Practical Information
Food and drink at school
The health of our students and staff is of great importance. Where possible, OBS De Klimroos strives for a healthy school. The children eat at school twice a day: around 10 a.m. in the morning with a snack and at lunchtime. It is an expectation that children bring healthy and nutritious food. Sweets, crisps and biscuits are not permitted.
Birthdays are an important moment in children's lives. At this time, students are allowed to bring in one (preferably healthy) treat for their class mates. Bags with multiple treats are discouraged.
Physical Education (PE)
From the age of 3 and 4, students receive PE lessons twice a week in the large gym on the Verlengde Houtrakgracht. PE requires that every child wears appropriate sportswear and shoes. This includes sneakers without a black sole and a t-shirt and pants or sneakers. Without these things it is not possible to participate in the PE class for safety reasons. Wearing jewelry during PE classes is not permitted.
Drop off and pick up
If your child is allowed to go home alone or is picked up by someone else, it is important to inform the teacher of this. If there are any doubts, the teacher will call home to check. Please be punctual in picking up and dropping off your child. Parents wait outside on the square for their children during pick-up. Lessons start at 8.30. In the event you are late, we ask you to let your child enter the classroom alone so that the lesson is disrupted as little as possible.
Parties and celebrations
At De Klimroos, parties and celebrations are a fixed part of our yearly program. The purpose of this is to create a sense of community and awareness amongst our students, the team and our parents.
At De Klimroos we celebrate the following: King's Games, Sinterklaas, New Year's Eve dinner, farewell group 8 and teachers' day. In December we decorate the school with trees and lights to create a cozy atmosphere in the dark times of the year.
Father and Mother's Day are important to us, we pay attention to this within the classroom. There is an open stage once a year. All classes perform and act on stage.
Many resources for play are available at school to stimulate development. We ask that children leave their toys at home. Twice a school year there is a toy day on which the children can take some toys with them. We teach children to treat (each others') things with respect. However, something can of course be lost or broken. Bringing your own things is therefore always at your own risk.
Playing outside
We consider fresh air and outside play important and these are part of our daily schedule. All children play outside twice on the long days and once on Wednesday. The children from group 1/2/3/4 play on the small square. The children from group 5 play on the large square. During outdoor play, a minimum of two adults, including a school employee, are there for supervision. We also receive support from parents. There are student mediators on the main square, they help fellow students to resolve conflicts.
If medication has to be taken during school hours, we make agreements about this with the parents. We record in a statement which medication should be given to the student at what time and with what dosage. Parents must sign this statement. Teachers or other team members may not give injections.
Lice checks
Lice ckecks are organized by the parents' council at De Klimroos after every school holiday. Please also regularly check for head lice at home. Licebags are available for purchase from our janitor. If your child has lice, please pass it on to the teacher as soon as possible.
Field trips
Our youngest learners at De Klimroos go to the Bird's Nest, an outdoor playground. From the age of 3 onwards, the children go further on school trip. We usually opt for a combination of an educational and recreational outings. You will always receive a message about the precise details and dates. For field trips we ask a contribution from parents (part of the parent contribution). The children in group 8 go on school camp.